Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What does it mean to have a thousand arms in a modern world?

Just like the many great Gods and Goddesses of ancient times, who are depicted with a thousand arms, each one with a different task, we in modern society like to mimic the same qualities. Yet in todays world it is done in a way that would probably offend the ancient mystics and Gods & Goddesses of those days. 

Reason being in ancient mythology, a thousand tasks would be taken on effortlessly with grace and omnipresence, while today a thousand tasks often means a very confused mind, trying to keep its head above water! The modern day example of Siva (The hindu God of transformation) seems to have lost himself in in a thousand thoughts and a never ending to do list.

Does this story sound familiar to you? This is what most people are experiencing in the west.  Yet, lucky for us, the wisdom from long ago has not been lost and for those who seek to find super powers, there is a much more enjoyable way to achieve all that your heart desires.

Believe me, this super power I talk of is far simpler to attain than you think; yet in order to receive it, you must first give up everything! Mwahahaha haaaaa…..

Ok, now that you are ready to give up everything for this masterful craft, you are on your way to being a true God/Goddess. Why? Because it all begins with silence, this may sound to be a paradox, as you ask the question: how can you accomplish a thousand tasks while giving up every thought and remaining silent? The answer is: Because it is not you that will be completing the tasks, it will be universal intelligence.

Universal intelligence is far more accomplished than our individual mind or ego. Universal intelligence has been around since the birth of consciousness, which means a lot longer than our 30, 40, 50, 60 or 70 years on this planet.  It has the capacity to effortlessly store not only our day-to-day tasks, but the tasks of all things on all planes of existence and all realms of consciousness from here until eternity! Now that is POWERFUL and it is available to us, right now!

So how do we step into universal intelligence so that we can access the Siva, the Guanyin or the many other deities who possess such auspicious, graceful gifts?

First we must empty our mind into deep surrender. This indeed does take deep surrender, because when the mind believes it has a lot of tasks at hand, usually the first problem it faces, is letting go of the tasks. You may close your eyes in meditation, yet the mind runs around like a wild mouse, looking for cheese after 3 days of stomach pains and hunger. In the same way the mind, will continue to run around calculating all the tasks on your to do list, in the hopes that it may accomplish something before it starves to death. Yet if you really want to step into your bodhisattva then our mind must take a fast, from the food that usually sustains it, which is thought. We must surrender our mind completely to the unknown so that we may receive our greater intelligence

With the knowledge of this technology we can be very specific with the manifestation of our tasks. First by creating supreme stillness in the field, this is known as the zero point of our consciousness, where there is nothing leaving and nothing coming. Once we are sitting in this stillness, then we have an opportunity to work with the intelligence, by then placing a simple intention into the field, which then ripples out to the whole universe. Like a pebble that is thrown into the waters of a still lake, each thought that touches the blanket of stillness is received and heard whole-heartedly by the universe and ultimately is manifested into full form.

With too many thoughts the blanket of water become rough like an ocean of ferocious waves, and the intentions sent out to universe become blurry and lost in the churning waters of supreme consciousness.

Once we are embodying this space of stillness then the sacred dance begins, a delightful rhythm of silence, intention setting, silence, receiving, silence…. and then before we know it we are watching the intelligence of the cosmos expressing itself so delicately before us, in us and as us and the bounds of gratitude that are overflowing from our being are more blissful than any accomplishment that any task could give us, for we are experiencing our true state, and it is love.

Now, once you have mastered this simple technique, don’t get “a-head” of yourself and think you have embodied your highest God expression yet! Why? Because there is yet another step above this process for you to embody, yet in order to receive it….. Yep, you guessed right! You must first, give up everything! Mwahahaha…haaaaaa

Sound like deja vu? As we step into higher forms of cosmic expression just like the many masters who have existed on this Earth plane in the embodiment of enlightenment, our next task at hand, is to surrender to the fact that we are doing anything at all and to live in the full supreme intelligence that we are simply an instrument to serve the greater good as a part of the evolution of humanity and the cosmos as a whole. This means letting go of agenda and recognizing the perfection of each moment and allowing cosmic intelligence to work through us, for what ever is presented in the moment. We then recognize that every moment, is exactly where we are meant to be, and the illusion between past and future no longer exist, there is simply now, and the unfolding of eternal presence in all illusory appearances.

Wherever you are at in your state of evolution, the best place for us to all start is: stillness. Give yourself permission to be still, to listen to your breath and witness your own contraction and expansion with the rhythm of the universe.

The  mind will often try to trick us and make us think that there are far more important things to do, other than being still and listening to the breath. Yet in truth, this is where it all began, and to think that the mind is more superior than the breath, is ignorance in itself. For us a human species would not exist with out our breath, and the cosmos would never have been birthed with out the breath, for it is the inward contraction and the outward expression that creates, sustains and destroys all life in a continuous cycle.

If we spent all of our lives, never looking within and always looking out, our inner depth would not be as vast and there fore our ability to feel a greater connection in the outside world would not be as vast. They reflect the same space, so today, you have an opportunity to recognize that we are here on a journey through the physical realm, yet this also includes the inner realm and as we deepen our connection inwardly, we open ourselves up to our true mastery.

Perhaps you may even discover that all the tasks, which you thought were so important, start to disappear, and a new life opens up for you, which is based on being your true bodhisattva? No-one can tell except you…. So give it a try!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The mystical land of Koh Phangan

The great road reveils itself..... 

My footsteps echo across the various pavements and turfs of my terrain as I find myself immersed in the ever present moment. From country to country, town to town a new sense of home appears before my eyes, the people, their smiles, and the stories they share with all their heart.

My final destination in Thailand, was the exotic land of Koh Phangan, a small island just North of the famous Koh Samui. I am greeted by a small motorbike that carries a passenger tray on its side, it moves slow, yet the sites are so startling, that I could only wish that the journey to my hotel would last longer.  We reach our final destination located on the North Western part of the island Salad Beach. Koh Phanagan, is often known as the party island where young teens travel far and wide to party each month at the full moon party. Lucky for me, a traveller whom relishes the silent moments and dives deeply into the succulent expressions of nature, hears that the full moon party has just passed and my destination, is among the quietist on the island. I reached my destination and my jaw dropped wide consumed by the site of paradise. I had once visioned this beach in my dreams, was I living a dream? It appeared so….

I was staying at the Salad Beach Resort and greeted by the delightful manager,  his smile was so large that I believe he could possibly be the happiest man on the island. I guess I would be as well, if I got to live in his house everyday. The hotel was magnificent, steps away from the white sandy shores and accompanied by luxurious living for a minimal cost.

After my recent travels along the border of Burma, I was grateful for a little rest and relaxation. I immediately head to the beach for my first sunset, it was lit by the most enchanting colors of red, orange and pink and as I lay in the luke warm water my body surrendered into an eternal moment of joy. Never before, had I experienced a beach so beautiful.
The days were swept away by the afternoon breeze and I began to explore the enchanted island. Scooters on the island are a minimal cost of around five US dollars a day, quite a splendid price, to see the whole island. The roads are windy and at times the hills are steep, so it is advised to only get a scooter, if you are a confident driver. Yet the allure of such adventure is strong for many travellers, me being one of them! I decided to take the journey slow and as a result any pot holes of windy corners were gracefully missed.

At dusk there is a stir in the air as the night time marketplace opens on the main beach (name of beach), it is a fabulous place for picking up some locally designed crafts, along with the standard tourist pieces to take home for memory! Night time seems to last forever with the endless choice of restaurants tucked away on every corner of the island and the delightful warmth that seems to keep you out for hours past nine.
My time in Koh Phangan lasted 7 days, and since I had promised myself time for deep relaxation , I decided to join a local yoga school on the island, called Agama Yoga. It is a fabulous yoga center, that offers both drop in classes to full curriculum and teacher training courses. The first day was free and it consisted of morning yoga and discussion and an early evening discussion, yoga and meditation class. The first day was enough to get me hooked and I decided to spend the rest of my holiday attending their courses.

Each day became richer than the last as I found myself experiencing intimate spaces of relaxation and connection. Perhaps it was the combination of the tropical sounds that surrounded the yoga hall and the sweet teachers that were all donating their time for the bettermeant of the college, or the unbeatable price of just 7 US dollars a day!

By the time my trip came to a close, my heart had been swept away by a love that one feels in deep romance, I had been captivated by this paradise and my smile will always mirror the memories shared on this island, the hands I held, the laughter which sung from my soul and the deep presence that guided me into such surrender. 

Thank you Koh Phangan, for sharing your beauty with me. You are a paradise that brings such special gifts to the fortunate traveller, who stumbles upon your shores!

Friday, June 10, 2011

The bamboo school....

just arrived back in bangkok, oh my god, my heart has melted and I am
feeling like I have never felt before. Words can not describe the depth of my experience while at the orphange. I feel like crying, I have been moved soooo much. I see how pointless many things are and how important many other things are, such as the value of a human life, the value of children and the love that human beings need.

Over the course of 5 days, I participated in some things that only you
read in books or see in movies, I helped pick up a dead man from the road
after he was in a motorbike accident, a coffin painted and delivered to a
temple in the middle of the night, watch a family mourn, send many of our
thai volunteers who were refugees from Burma, back into burma, into the
most intense malaria zones in the world, the stories I have shared with
the kids about the life they have lived and the things they have seen,
make me cry, and I am sooo moved, and this is why i have a new
perspective. Why do we put such an importance on things that don't really
matter, why do waste our time on things that actually distract us from
truly helping another human being, lending our hand, or taking a childs
tears away.... I am forever changed, and I don't care about a lot of
things that used to bother me before, I know what is important, the human
heart and a helping hand.

I wanted to stay and never leave, I wanted to keep living there with all
the children, I wanted to make it my life.

The road continues, but in a new way, I will always support this
organisation, The Bamboo School www.bambooschool.org and I know that I will return, I can see what is important, what truly is important. The amount of adrenalin that was running through my veins, as I slept in the middle of the jungle, in a straw hut, with very little seperating me from the wildlife that surrounded me, all that I had was a mosquito net, I felt fear that perhaps a wild dog would climb in the hut as I slept, yet I learnt a new strength and was taught how to live, how to be strong and how to appreciate. I close my eyes in the deepest of reverence for this experience, I am so grateful.

One month of travels- bring new discoveries!

Wisdom travels.....

Wow! Where do I begin~ Over the past month, I have been blessed by  travels in both Thailand and Nepal. Both very sacred places, that have bought new vision, understanding, light and love to the very depths of my soul. Sacred surrender, shapes my being and all I can do is say, YES! Thank you divine universe, your all encompassing wisdom fills me and overflows through me. Thank you.

I have posted some blogs from my recent locations, but to give you a summary over the past month I have, trekked upon the border of Burma and Thailand bringing support to refugees and assisting individuals with malaria and political unrest, bathed in the exotic oceans of Koh Samui, dived deep into yoga and meditational studies, traveled through Nepal, discovering the many lives that have been helped in small villages from Habitat for Humanity, an organisation that builds houses for those less fortunate and then basked in the glorious altitudes of the himalayas... 

The stories, the experiences, the people, the love has forever changed me. New clarity envelopes me and I feel honored by this offering. 

Some elements of clarity that have travelled through the infinite dimensions of my experience, bring the following tokens, and now I offer them to you:

1. Give. Give with all of your heart. Don't ask for anything in return, don't expect anything in return and your satisfaction will return to you far beyond any thing you could ask for. For it is a feeling a consciousness, your soul is lifted.

2. Look into the eyes of those you mistrust, or those who have hurt you, and see yourself, see another human being, who is also on the path to remembrance. The only reason they hurt you, is because they forgot who they were and the only reason you hurt yourself is because you forgot who you were. But now you can remember. You are God. And within this perfect presence, their is no right or wrong, just oneness.

3. Enjoy life. Don't wait until tomorrow to be happy, don't put happiness in a distant future or event, make it happen now, the universe will support your choice, for that is the ultimate intention for all beings. Take a risk. Do something new. Dance. Sing out loud. Be silly.

4. Honor your body temple. Breath deep. Move sensuously.  Eat healthy foods. Think happy thoughts. Smile all the time. See what happens. Shift your vibration to a new elevation!

5. Do a good deed for a stranger. 

6. Take on a project of service, where you can give back to your community.

7. Most important. Meditate, do yoga, pranayama, still your mind, send gratitude to the universe, unify with the presence, and experience new dimensions of your being, discover ecstatic bliss!

Okie, so these are some gems which have been arising in my consciousness on this day. Life can be so simple, when we let it be.

I will be heading to the sacred town of Banares in India, this coming Sunday, where I will be traveling for a month. More stories to be shared along the way.

Thank you for embracing your eternal self and knowing that all is already complete.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Jens first blog arriving in Sydney

Jennifer just touched down on the soils of Sydney, Australia and she shares in her excitement as she walks through the city center and Kings Cross.

Jen in Gilli Island Bali

Jennifer shares an update from her latest global travel at the Gilli Islands in Bali.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ayurveda- Wisdom of the World

Tune in to this short video that inspires greater health, through a 5000 year old ancient healing practice called ayurveda.

Friday, March 18, 2011

We are stewards of the new earth

it is not our role to get caught up in the drama of this dimension
nor is it our role to fuel the fire of disbelief
it is our role to be stewards of the new earth
to hold the vision high for new things to come
brighter things to evolve
from the rubble, flowers to unfold
and to trust that all is happening in perfect timing
for we are not of this world
yet we are in it
we are not defined by circumstance
for we come from the creator
and nothing can kill us
for we are eternal
just as the sun rises each day, so does our spirit
and the only presence of truth is that we are stewards coming from a new dimension, holding form for all things to be one again
and for all dimensions to live in this remembrance of what already is
perfect balance and harmony

so within
so without
gratitude to the one
for guiding mother Gaia 
through her transient home
in the cosmos
as she aligns with the sun
with stars all around 
Mother Gaia whispers to us
ssshhhhh... please don't make a sound

For the stewards are walking upon this Earth
in this holy time
we are merging with all creation
stewards who tread lightly upon the soils
cloaked in fabrics of the new dimension
holding the knowledge that this is all a part
of the birth of our new earth

Mother Gaia we trust
for she moves her body
clearing residue from our past
we trust as she prepares the way
for all of us to grow, upon a brand new day

Stewards of the new earth
listen to the source
hear its wisdom
and be directed from this sacred place
one day we shall look back in time and recognize the sheer wisdom
of all that is unfolding in our earths time line

so i whisper to you in the now
open your heart
don't make a sound
and be the steward  who send love across the land and sea
bringing our mother and its people
into its new reality

Friday, March 4, 2011

Change and Transformation

Blessed be the stars that kiss us every night, starry nightand blessed be the sun which rises upon our door step every morning, for we are blessed by the love of all creation and we have risen to the potential of recognizing such beauty with in us, we are beyond miracles, beyond dreams and beyond the beyond....

May we all know the true beauty and depth that lives within us all, for I am grateful today for knowing that we are looked after and nurtured by the warmest embrace called god, infinite creation or eternal mother. Whatever you wish to call this element that wraps us up in robes of the highest vibration, I ordain you, for this loving presence goes by many names... yet the feeling is still the same! So enjoy the love which wraps you up, for it is a presence beyond a concept or limitation of the expecting mind, for it is far deeper and eternal than any mind could fathom.

Dive deep into this essence, feel this vibration, because it is here for you right now, in this moment, the presence is here, to melt away all your worries, to surrender you into the deepest of letting go.... So take a breath with me right now and just let go.

Let go of it all and allow the love in, allow yourself to surrender, for there is nothing to know and everything to be. So just let go. You are a child of God. A divine expression of the highest light, all of you, every part of the person you are is beautiful, even the parts you hide from, or the places you wish no one else to see, it is all sooo beautiful, for it is a creation of God. You are beautiful. All of you. All of you. All of you. 

Feel the love pouring in, because it has been waiting for you, it has been waiting since the beginning of time and will continue to live there until the end of time, for it is without time, it is an infinite supply, ready to drown your being in the deepest of surrender.

Can you feel it? Can you tune into it? It is there. It is always there. Close your eyes for a moment and feel your heart, how does it feel? Now feel the love pouring in, feel the whole universe gifting you with the eternal shower of love.

The angels tell us that they are here to pour this high essence into your being. Soo take time and allow this energy to pour into your heart, feel this energy pouring into your heart. We give you great gratitude, for allowing this time to open your heart and feel the light which so tenderly and with great sensitivity moves into your being. We realize that there are many of you who are feeling hurt, many whom carry around pain from past experiences, we are here to love you, to fill you up, with the light order of the universe, so that you may never forget who you are. You are a child of God. A bright star that shines itself to the rest of the universe, allow your light to expand, allow it to brighten your life, as it touches your soul and everyone around you. You are a gift of God.

Thank you for receiving. 

Just do it!

Life continually offers us a series of ups and downs as we move through our journey in life, sometimes we are flying amongst the stars and at other times we may be questioning the very existence of our own sanity. What I have come to realize through all this is one special ingredient and it relates to our life purpose and delivering our mission to the world.

Everyone is unique; they have their own code that has brought them into the planet. Your code is unlike anyone else’s, which is why it is so valuable. Within your blueprint lives a cosmic intention, which is seeking to fulfill itself through your prophecy, it holds everything from your passions and skillsets, your attitudes, and ways of experiencing reality, which all bubble up to not only creating who you are as an individual but also what you are to deliver to the world.

There is only one thing that can steer us away from living this blue print to the highest degree and that is the question of who am I? Sure this question can take us into the very depths of seeking truth and looking for answers, and if we look long enough we may go beyond the beyond and realize that underneath everything we are nothing, we are simply a field of energy that is both manifest and unmanifest.

 However that is not the I, that I am speaking of. What I am referring to, is your unique blueprint. For these hold the rare and extraordinary qualities that offer creative expression in your story. It is the juice that wakes you up in the morning, filled with inspiration to be alive. And if your not waking up, overflowing with this yummy substance, you must ask yourself, what disbelief  about myself am I allowing to take control of my reality. Because when we truly know how amazing we are, and how special we are and how much we have to offer, nothing could make us question ourselves. For we already know, how amazing we are! So today, instead of questioning your reality, live from knowing how special you are.

Every small detail that exists within you, is a gift from the intelligent creative energy of the universe. It is so specific to you, that when recognized can move mountains, can inspire the masses and can lift you to whole new levels of self-expression.

So this brings me to the topic of the day, which I believe Nike coiled quite perfectly: “Just do It”.

A couple weeks back I woke up with a message in my head and it was: “Just do it”. It is an energy that has been building in my system for over a month now and this one day a couple weeks back broke it all opened up for me.  As simple as it seems, taking action, is the best way to achieve your results. We all know this, yet one thing, which perhaps you may not be aware of, is this: EXCUSES.

What excuses are you telling yourself, that is making your life wait? Excuses can be very tricky and they will try to fool us into thinking we are not ready for the life of our dreams. But the moment you stand up and scream out to the universe “YES! I am ready!” is the moment you feel the energy of the universe moving through your whole entire being, supporting your every move.

You look at the old pattern of fear and you say to it, “Ha ha… I am not going to listen to you anymore…. Instead, I am just going to take action!”

Here is a tip on how to move past old fears: Become supremely aware of the thought of fear that will try to creep into your mind when a opportunity presents itself. Perhaps you have been wanting to make that phone call, or apply for a specific job, or reach out to an old friend or a new lover, what ever it is, be aware of the fear that may try to creep its way in, telling you are not ready, not good enough, unprepared, etc. Now that you are becoming aware of it, make a commitment to yourself right now! Make a commitment that as soon as you hear a twinkling of that old thought (that no longer serves), TAKE ACTION IMMEDIATLY. Or as Nike likes to say: Just do it! Take a risk. I believe that there are no mistakes, there are only steps closer to your destination, and every thing is about growth. So keep moving forward. You are right on track and have always been. Celebrate this truth. Live from your passion and create the life of your dreams. You are overflowing with the infinite potential of the universe, and your life is designed for greatness, so stand up right now and scream out to the universe: “Yes, I am ready!”

Friday, February 25, 2011

.: Discover the love of life

.: Discover the love of life: "Life comes to us with many ups and downs, at times we are out in an open field, flying the most colorful kite in the sky. With each magnific..."

Discover the love of life

Life comes to us with many ups and downs, at times we are out in an open field, flying the most colorful kite in the sky. With each magnificent movement the kite propels itself further into the limitless heavens moving unbounded by the winds beneath its shinning colors. At other times life may appear to be a desert road, baron, without life and only the distant crack of the dry desert floor to guide your steps. You do your best to find water, shade and nourishment of any kind, in these environments but instead you find a handful of gravel and a sun that blares upon your exhausted body. The extremities in nature, often at times reflect the extremities we experience in our internal world, after all so within as without. What I have learnt through the bright kite flying and walking through the desert heat is that underneath each circumstance there is a current that will always pull us through. After all, it has from the day we were born and it will continue to pull us through until the day we die. This current is called life. It is energy, the natural force that moves the tides, the gentle breeze that pushes the kite into flight and the motivation in your mind that tells you to put one step forward when you reach out to follow that distant splinter in the desert floor.
As we look to the horizon on these not so pretty days, we often find a silver lining guiding those far-off  clouds. These moments of noticing such beauty, propel our soul into discovering deeper beauty. For each moment of gratitude guides us to our next moment in gratitude, if only we choose to look up for one moment.
But what is it that makes us raise our head and look to the sky? As I repeat this question in my mind I hear the answer echoing from the very depths of my soul…. Love will find a way. When love becomes the focus of our day, our ability to transform any situation is heightened by the true potential of our divine nature. After all the desert and its pounding heat on a summers day, does not think to itself “well I am a little too hot today, life sucks” it simply carries on allowing the seasons and the natural rhythms of nature to run its course. During the day it may be hot, at night the cool breeze may come in, the sun will set, the stars will rise and blanket the sky with light, and the dawn of a new day will always come full circle once again.
If we can view our life in this light, then we are able to step back from our egoic thinking, that tries to control our future and we are able to simply allow god to provide our sustenance. When I say God, what I am referring to is the knowingness of the interconnection with all things, places and people. The state of truly living from this knowingness allows us to surrender into the unknown and appreciate what is. To do this we have to be honest with ourselves and honor the intuitive impulses that speak to us in the quiet of our mind. When we combine these messages of truth with our deep surrender to God and the unknown, then our life is opened up to truly be magnificent and all that will remain are infinite supply of magical surprises.
When we find love in our life, no matter where it may come from, (it could be the love for a pet, a creative project, or a new romantic partnership) we should nourish that love, because love is the greatest gift. It is the greatest gift from the heavens and has the ability to transform water into wine. When we are living our life from a place of love then the cracked desert floor, the overbearing heat, or the thirst for water seems to disappear, for love becomes the provider. It is not so much about getting love from something or someone, it comes from what you produce inside while interacting with that something or someone. No amount of love that anyone gives you could ever be enough unless you created it in the first place.
The creation of love within us, comes from being inspired to give, to invest our heart in loving something outside of ourselves, the funny catch to how this works, is in order to love something outside of ourselves we must love ourselves! They are one of the same, but when we learn to play this new game, we find ourselves taking leaps of faith, giving more love than what we ever felt possible and trusting our intuition while being soo open and vulnerable to spread our wings and fly.
I am learning to trust life more and more and in every moment I give gratitude and thanks to those reflections in my life that offer me not only love but also those that offer me challenges. I realize that everything created in the outer environment is a reflection of my inner environment and by allowing nature to take its course; I become liberated to love more and see through the eyes of greatness.
As you shine in deep surrender and commitment to your expansive heart may your life be lifted up into new heights of celebration and prosperity. Thank you for sharing this journey of life.