Blessed be the stars that kiss us every night,

May we all know the true beauty and depth that lives within us all, for I am grateful today for knowing that we are looked after and nurtured by the warmest embrace called god, infinite creation or eternal mother. Whatever you wish to call this element that wraps us up in robes of the highest vibration, I ordain you, for this loving presence goes by many names... yet the feeling is still the same! So enjoy the love which wraps you up, for it is a presence beyond a concept or limitation of the expecting mind, for it is far deeper and eternal than any mind could fathom.
Dive deep into this essence, feel this vibration, because it is here for you right now, in this moment, the presence is here, to melt away all your worries, to surrender you into the deepest of letting go.... So take a breath with me right now and just let go.
Let go of it all and allow the love in, allow yourself to surrender, for there is nothing to know and everything to be. So just let go. You are a child of God. A divine expression of the highest light, all of you, every part of the person you are is beautiful, even the parts you hide from, or the places you wish no one else to see, it is all sooo beautiful, for it is a creation of God. You are beautiful. All of you. All of you. All of you.
Feel the love pouring in, because it has been waiting for you, it has been waiting since the beginning of time and will continue to live there until the end of time, for it is without time, it is an infinite supply, ready to drown your being in the deepest of surrender.
Can you feel it? Can you tune into it? It is there. It is always there. Close your eyes for a moment and feel your heart, how does it feel? Now feel the love pouring in, feel the whole universe gifting you with the eternal shower of love.
The angels tell us that they are here to pour this high essence into your being. Soo take time and allow this energy to pour into your heart, feel this energy pouring into your heart. We give you great gratitude, for allowing this time to open your heart and feel the light which so tenderly and with great sensitivity moves into your being. We realize that there are many of you who are feeling hurt, many whom carry around pain from past experiences, we are here to love you, to fill you up, with the light order of the universe, so that you may never forget who you are. You are a child of God. A bright star that shines itself to the rest of the universe, allow your light to expand, allow it to brighten your life, as it touches your soul and everyone around you. You are a gift of God.
Thank you for receiving.
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