Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What does it mean to have a thousand arms in a modern world?

Just like the many great Gods and Goddesses of ancient times, who are depicted with a thousand arms, each one with a different task, we in modern society like to mimic the same qualities. Yet in todays world it is done in a way that would probably offend the ancient mystics and Gods & Goddesses of those days. 

Reason being in ancient mythology, a thousand tasks would be taken on effortlessly with grace and omnipresence, while today a thousand tasks often means a very confused mind, trying to keep its head above water! The modern day example of Siva (The hindu God of transformation) seems to have lost himself in in a thousand thoughts and a never ending to do list.

Does this story sound familiar to you? This is what most people are experiencing in the west.  Yet, lucky for us, the wisdom from long ago has not been lost and for those who seek to find super powers, there is a much more enjoyable way to achieve all that your heart desires.

Believe me, this super power I talk of is far simpler to attain than you think; yet in order to receive it, you must first give up everything! Mwahahaha haaaaa…..

Ok, now that you are ready to give up everything for this masterful craft, you are on your way to being a true God/Goddess. Why? Because it all begins with silence, this may sound to be a paradox, as you ask the question: how can you accomplish a thousand tasks while giving up every thought and remaining silent? The answer is: Because it is not you that will be completing the tasks, it will be universal intelligence.

Universal intelligence is far more accomplished than our individual mind or ego. Universal intelligence has been around since the birth of consciousness, which means a lot longer than our 30, 40, 50, 60 or 70 years on this planet.  It has the capacity to effortlessly store not only our day-to-day tasks, but the tasks of all things on all planes of existence and all realms of consciousness from here until eternity! Now that is POWERFUL and it is available to us, right now!

So how do we step into universal intelligence so that we can access the Siva, the Guanyin or the many other deities who possess such auspicious, graceful gifts?

First we must empty our mind into deep surrender. This indeed does take deep surrender, because when the mind believes it has a lot of tasks at hand, usually the first problem it faces, is letting go of the tasks. You may close your eyes in meditation, yet the mind runs around like a wild mouse, looking for cheese after 3 days of stomach pains and hunger. In the same way the mind, will continue to run around calculating all the tasks on your to do list, in the hopes that it may accomplish something before it starves to death. Yet if you really want to step into your bodhisattva then our mind must take a fast, from the food that usually sustains it, which is thought. We must surrender our mind completely to the unknown so that we may receive our greater intelligence

With the knowledge of this technology we can be very specific with the manifestation of our tasks. First by creating supreme stillness in the field, this is known as the zero point of our consciousness, where there is nothing leaving and nothing coming. Once we are sitting in this stillness, then we have an opportunity to work with the intelligence, by then placing a simple intention into the field, which then ripples out to the whole universe. Like a pebble that is thrown into the waters of a still lake, each thought that touches the blanket of stillness is received and heard whole-heartedly by the universe and ultimately is manifested into full form.

With too many thoughts the blanket of water become rough like an ocean of ferocious waves, and the intentions sent out to universe become blurry and lost in the churning waters of supreme consciousness.

Once we are embodying this space of stillness then the sacred dance begins, a delightful rhythm of silence, intention setting, silence, receiving, silence…. and then before we know it we are watching the intelligence of the cosmos expressing itself so delicately before us, in us and as us and the bounds of gratitude that are overflowing from our being are more blissful than any accomplishment that any task could give us, for we are experiencing our true state, and it is love.

Now, once you have mastered this simple technique, don’t get “a-head” of yourself and think you have embodied your highest God expression yet! Why? Because there is yet another step above this process for you to embody, yet in order to receive it….. Yep, you guessed right! You must first, give up everything! Mwahahaha…haaaaaa

Sound like deja vu? As we step into higher forms of cosmic expression just like the many masters who have existed on this Earth plane in the embodiment of enlightenment, our next task at hand, is to surrender to the fact that we are doing anything at all and to live in the full supreme intelligence that we are simply an instrument to serve the greater good as a part of the evolution of humanity and the cosmos as a whole. This means letting go of agenda and recognizing the perfection of each moment and allowing cosmic intelligence to work through us, for what ever is presented in the moment. We then recognize that every moment, is exactly where we are meant to be, and the illusion between past and future no longer exist, there is simply now, and the unfolding of eternal presence in all illusory appearances.

Wherever you are at in your state of evolution, the best place for us to all start is: stillness. Give yourself permission to be still, to listen to your breath and witness your own contraction and expansion with the rhythm of the universe.

The  mind will often try to trick us and make us think that there are far more important things to do, other than being still and listening to the breath. Yet in truth, this is where it all began, and to think that the mind is more superior than the breath, is ignorance in itself. For us a human species would not exist with out our breath, and the cosmos would never have been birthed with out the breath, for it is the inward contraction and the outward expression that creates, sustains and destroys all life in a continuous cycle.

If we spent all of our lives, never looking within and always looking out, our inner depth would not be as vast and there fore our ability to feel a greater connection in the outside world would not be as vast. They reflect the same space, so today, you have an opportunity to recognize that we are here on a journey through the physical realm, yet this also includes the inner realm and as we deepen our connection inwardly, we open ourselves up to our true mastery.

Perhaps you may even discover that all the tasks, which you thought were so important, start to disappear, and a new life opens up for you, which is based on being your true bodhisattva? No-one can tell except you…. So give it a try!